5 Tipps zur Verbesserung der Nasenatmung im Alltag

5 tips to improve nasal breathing in everyday life

Introduction: Good nasal breathing is important for your health and well-being. In this article I will give you five tips on how you can improve your nasal breathing in everyday life. Regular ...
5 Mythen über Nasenpflaster und MouthTapes und die Wahrheit dahinter

5 myths about nose strips and mouth tapes and the truth behind them

Introduction: There are many myths and misconceptions about nose strips and mouth tapes, but not all of them are true. Myth 1: Nasal strips are only for people with snoring problems Nasal strips ...

Focus health over freeways!

#FocusHealth about Freeways: “ Since Freeways was founded, we have seen how many people suffer from sleep problems” Another exciting article about freeways and us as a brand in #FocusHealth! ...

Freeways: A startup that revolutionizes your breathing

In a world where breathing difficulties are on the rise, the Swiss startup Freeways is bringing an innovative solution: nasal patches with an integrated arch mechanism that makes nasal breathing e...

5 tips for better sleep

Improve your sleep with Freeways nasal strips and mouth tapes. Good sleep is crucial to your health and well-being. Freeways nasal strips and mouth tapes can help you do just that. Enc...